Dynamic Visualizations to Enhance Citizens Engagement
Modern technology provides new opportunities in reaching citizens and improving the efficiency of co-creation processes. DVECE tests innovative applications of dynamic visualizations, to enhance citizens’ engagement in the mobility context.
The objectives of DVECE are:
To achieve higher citizens engagement by using dynamic visualization tools in the co-creation process
To understand how these processes can be integrated in the best ways to the Decidi(U)M citizens engagement platform.
Through a series of ideation, co-creation, and validation/evaluation workshops within 3 living labs, DVECE collects, prioritizes, and matches mobility needs set by different groups of vulnerable users in a neighborhood, with policy plans and real me data incorporated in Digi Twins. The verification of the usability of the dynamic visualization tools for and within Dicidi(U)M, performed in Helsinki, is the next milestone in the platform development.